27 ways the vagina could be attacked and how to prevent them (1)
For close to three years now, I have compiled questions couples and numerous readers ask about what makes vagina less effective; why the vagina is mostly attacked and what can make the vagina stop working.
One of such questions is, ‘My vagina smells, what is the reason?’
Women should know that all vaginas smell. Sometimes, it’s a musty odour and other times, it resembles your own general body odour. It is normal. Still, a lady should pay attention to the general smell of her vagina because if it makes a dramatic change, it could mean that something fishy is going on. A healthy vagina has a naturally acidic pH, as well as a host of healthy bacteria that ward off infections and keep everything intact. However, ladies should know that the food they eat can influence the vagina pH, changing the way the vagina smells. For instance, spices, onions, garlic, red meat, local dairy, like ‘wara’, and alcohol can all affect the natural balance. But whatever the effect, it will only last for two to three days after you have eaten these food items. A vagina is like its own little city; it is self-cleansing and heals quickly. It has the ability to tell you what’s going on inside of your body.
Nevertheless, there are different versions of vaginal discharge that may call for concern and there is no worse feeling in the world than when a lady’s vagina itches in public. It can start as a pain around the pelvic area while one is in a meeting, at a restaurant, or during the world’s longest wedding. The characteristic of the pain is that it progresses until it becomes a burning pain. Although if a lady feels an ache every now and then, it may be nothing serious; but when it is intense, frequent, sore or habitual, then there is a need to raise an alarm. So, let us look at various ways the vagina may be weeping from all forms of discomfort.
One, the vagina can be irritated by a new soap or new vagina spray.
Two, new jeans, leggings, tight, or thong may be rubbing a lady’s vagina the wrong way.
Three, it may react when your husband uses a new condom or re-uses the old one.
Four, simple friction from sex can make a lady feel itchy after intercourse.
Five, sometimes if the interval between sex is too long and extensive, some wives may feel itchy when they resume sex.
Six, the labia (skin) can also be sensitive to weather, just as the skin of the body can be sensitive to hot or high climatic weather. Many wives itch profusely in the vaginal area because of heat. Switch to cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes for a few days if your symptoms get better with an easy fix.
Seven, if the itching is random or minor, it may simply be because of the new soap, so check your detergents and make sure nothing has changed.
Eight, now yeast infection is probably the most common fungal infection. It’s caused by an overgrowth of yeast in the vulva area. While yeast infections can cause a thick, cottage cheese-style vaginal discharge, sometimes the only symptom is itching. A yeast infection will often cause the labia and groin tissue to be spotted, irritated and red, which can happen for different reasons. Many ladies have the habit of using antibodies to treat virtually everything. Such ladies will always be in and out of yeast infection. If you have uncontrolled diabetes, your vagina will easily be infected with yeast infection. Sitting around in wet underwear for hours makes yeast infection to recur. One of the prevailing causes of persistent yeast infection is the douching methods many wives adapt as a means of family planning method. Douching only disturbs the PH balance system of the vagina, leading to yeast infection. Yeast infections can often be resolved by over-the-counter treatments, but more severe yeast infections don’t always respond. So, if your symptoms don’t improve with easy treatments, then follow up with your doctor.
Nine, another common vaginal infection that can cause itching is bacterial vaginosis (BV). BV is often associated with a thin or grey white discharge that smells FOUL and sometimes fishy odour (and maybe some burning). It usually doesn’t have external redness and the itching is often more of an irritation. It’s basically an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria in the vagina, which can be caused by extreme dirty vaginal environment.
Ten, whenever I ask a woman who has been treating unending vaginal infection whether she has had issues with hemorrhoids popularly called ‘jedijedi,’ they wonder what it has got to do with their vaginal area. Even though hemorrhoids do not happen in the vagina, the vagina and rectum are only about 1-2 inches apart, and sometimes it’s hard to tell exactly where the itching may be coming from. I often see many wives who come in complaining of vaginal itching, thinking that their husbands must have infected them with STDs only to discover that the itching is actually coming from the anus area. Most times, some of these wives have hemorrhoids, others have itchy buttocks because of heat, due to too tight underwear. If the case is hemorrhoids, the treatment is just simple; the wife should eat more of fibre food, take less of sugary food and just apply hemorrhoids creams.
Eleven, many conditions that affect the skin also cause the labia to become itchy and burn. The skin affected will turn pale or white and will appear thinner in the surrounding. For instance, Lichen sclerosis is more common after menopause but can be seen at any age. While it is a chronic condition that makes a lady scratch and scratch over and again, the symptoms can be treated with topical steroids or laser treatments. Ironically, any skin condition can also happen to the genitals, things like eczema. Most common cause of itching around the pubic area is simply skin irritation.
Twelve, the vaginal tissue is very sensitive to estrogen, so when the estrogen levels begin to drop during menopause, the vagina can be affected. As blood flow decreases, the vaginal skin becomes significantly thinner, causing vaginal degeneration. In some women, this can lead to pain with intercourse. It can make the tissue more prone to infections and chronic skin changes. One way of treating vaginal degeneration is using lubrication with intercourse and a vaginal moisturizer, especially locally prepared coconut oil.
Thirteen, many women who are not even close to their menopausal stage complain bitterly that they are never wet and yet they itch terribly, that their vagina refuses to get wet in spite of all said and done, especially during sex. In this case, lots of things can cause dryness, like some forms of birth control (especially low-dose versions), allergy medicines, or breastfeeding, Estrogen fluctuations (especially with menopause, but also those related to child birth, breastfeeding, or the menstrual cycle) can cause vaginal dryness. An easy, short-term solution for genital dryness is to use a water- or silicone-based lubricant.
Fourteen, many wives live with reduced sexual pleasure or pain and embarrassment due to a loosening of their vagina or enlarged or malformed labia. This is often due to too much of abnormal and bizarre sexual positions, or the use of some inappropriate sex toys, or aging or childbirth. While a growing number of women are motivated to improve their sex lives and feel better about themselves, many don’t know where to turn or may feel too embarrassed to discuss the issue. Many wives sometimes wish to have a correct shape of their labia while others may wish to have their vagina tightened. A widening of the vaginal area is primarily often a result of aging or childbirth, especially when there are cases of multiple vaginal child birth due to multiple births such as serial twins’ deliveries. Therefore, many of such wives may experience reduced sexual pleasure due to reduced friction during intercourse. Sometimes extreme large labia can cause discomfort during sexual intercourse, and friction while mere walking around. However, to reshape and transform the appearance of the labia minora (small inner lips) or the labia majora (larger outer lips), I have always recommended the ‘almighty Kegel exercise.’ It is highly effective and recommended. As often emphasised, Kegel exercise will transform the shape of the labia and achieve symmetry.
Fifteen, if you have a swollen or painful bump on your vulva, it might be a Bartholin’s cyst, which is basically a clogged gland outside of the vagina. This can vary in size and is typically found in the bottom corners of the vulva. They’re common and may not cause any trouble, in which case it’s fine to leave them alone or just treat them by soaking yourself in warm water. But if they’re painful, infected, or swollen, it might require drainage or antibiotics. The most reason for this is simply lack of good hygiene. Many wives don’t spend enough time cleaning up adequately down below.
Questions and answers
Swelling at my groin
Funmi, there is this swelling or bulging I notice each time I have sex at my groin area. It pops up and becomes more visible whenever I make love with my wife. Personally, I love having sex mostly with standing up position. I engage in this position in such a manner that I will have to lift my wife up and pin her to the wall and make love with her that way. By that, I not only enjoy sex but the position helps me to delay ejaculation, It also helps the lovemaking to be less painful to my wife because I have a very big penis. It is scary now because it seems to be getting bigger. I attach a picture of my groin.
Gabriel Williams
From the picture you attached and your explanation above, it seems you may be having hernia, but I would love you to see a medical doctor for confirmation. However, you need to know that your belly has walls of muscle that support you, help you move, and hold things in place inside you. A hernia happens when part of your body squeezes through a weak spot or opening in a muscle wall. It’s like an inner tube bulging through a hole in a worn-out tyre. You may be born with it; the problem can come with age, as muscles wear down over time, chronic coughing, as with someone who smokes, strain from physical activity (from your sexual position, if this is done too frequently) or going to the bathroom. Typically, hernias don’t hurt, all you notice is a bulge or lump in the groin area.
Sometimes, you only see the bulge when you laugh, cough, or strain or when you lift a heavy object. Often, you can press it back into place. You may also notice the bulge gets bigger over time, you have a feeling of fullness, pain, pressure, or a dull ache around the bulge, pain when you lift something. While a hernia may start out as a harmless bulge, it can get bigger and start to hurt. In some cases, it can even be life-threatening. So even if it doesn’t seem like a big deal, it’s best to see your doctor if you have symptoms of a hernia, like a lump or bulge you can’t explain. But anyone can lower the chances of getting hernia if you quit smoking, eat fruits, veggies, and whole grains to keep yourself regular when you poo, stay at a healthy weight with diet and exercise, and use good form when you do physical activity. For example, when lifting a heavy object, bend from your knees instead of your waist.
Please is there a better way out?
Funmi, is there a better way out? I am being sexually harassed daily at my place of work by a boss who has early stage of leprosy. He promised me heaven and earth, but I know he has the symptoms of early stage of leprosy. The job pays well, his offers are tempting but I am sure of his disease, everybody knows he has leprosy at my office.
Worried lady
I don’t think you sincerely need my advice here because the obvious is very glaring. It seems you are looking at the gain of the offer and not that you are being sexually harassed. If you know there is no way you will not be tempted, why don’t you just tender your resignation letter? The ball is in your court.
Once a cheat always a cheat
Funmi, can you believe it that my wife cheated on me, all because I have challenge with chronic premature ejaculation and I found out. Although she said it was a mistake and that it would never repeat itself, I love my wife but I am broken and wounded. To forgive her is not an issue but to forget is the pain. I think once a cheat will forever remain one. But at the same time, I do not want to lose her to the other man.
Worried man
Despite common wisdom, someone who has cheated once will not necessarily cheat again. If you can accept this premise, then the next logical questions – especially if your wife has had an affair – are: “How can I know whether they are cheating again?” and “How can I ever trust my wife again?”
The answers to these questions can be found in how you and your wife relate to each other. When a partner is cheating, there are almost always signs in their relationship that something is not right. In looking back, you can probably see that in some significant way, especially when it comes to sexually satisfying her, maybe you neglected her complaint and you did not look for solution to your chronic premature ejaculation case on time. There are treatments all over the place. As a matter of fact, we have lots of natural herbs available that will cure you permanently and some other highly effective and highly recommended herbs. Whatever the situation, you probably sensed that something was wrong. And what you passed off as a “slump” or maybe just being the way relationships are, was actually a sign of a deeper problem. I would suggest you get yourself treated and give her a second chance.
Does stress destroy sex?
I work under a heavy stressful environment but unlike my wife’s belief, I manage my sex life very well but she thinks it’s a subtle destroyer.
Some people do many things well when they’re stressed. Feeling sexy usually isn’t one of them, but there are few exceptional cases, which you happen to fall under. Whatever the case may be, kindly find time to minimise your stress level. Problems with your partner are among the top sex-drive killers. For women, feeling close is a major part of desire. For both sexes, watch for fallout from fights, poor communication, feeling betrayed, or other trust issues. . and too much of alcohol, a drink may make you feel more open to sex. But too much alcohol can numb your sex drive. Being drunk can also be a turn-off for your partner. If you have trouble drinking less, seek help. If you’re not getting enough sleep, it may also destroy your sex life. Do you go to bed too late or rise too early? Do you have a sleep problem like trouble falling or staying asleep, or a condition such as sleep apnea? Anything that messes with a good night’s rest can mess with sex. Fatigue saps sexy feelings.
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